Master Marketing English For Marketing Research

Unlock Your Marketing Potential: Where Language Meets Career Success!
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Welcome to Marketing English: Integrating Language with Marketing Strategy

In the dynamic world of marketing, clear and persuasive communication is essential. Our Marketing English course is specifically designed for graduate students specializing in marketing, focusing on enhancing your ability to articulate marketing strategies and concepts effectively in both writing and speech. This course goes beyond basic English proficiency; it’s about merging your language skills with your marketing acumen.

Our curriculum is uniquely structured to enhance your written and oral expression, specifically through the creation of job search tools and participation in mock interviews. You will develop a professional portfolio, including résumés and cover letters tailored for the marketing industry, and refine these documents to articulate your skills and experiences effectively. Additionally, we incorporate mock interviews to simulate real-world scenarios, helping you master the art of verbal communication, answer challenging questions with confidence, and present yourself as a strong candidate in the marketing field. This approach ensures you are well-prepared for the job market, with polished communication skills that stand out to potential employers.

Join us to elevate your communication skills, ensuring your marketing ideas have a lasting impact in the global business environment.


Thursday, Jan. 23, 08h-12h: D622
Introduction & Syllabus
Building your job search tools - Looking for a job: introspection - Listing skills and personality traits to build your positioning statement.
Thursday, Jan. 23, 14h-18h: D622
Identifying the foundation blocks of the positioning statement: training, experience, and hobbies or extracurricular activities.
Carving out each foundation block around the S.O.A.R. method.
Friday, Jan. 24, 08h-12h: D622
The resume: the positioning statement and the S.O.A.R. method.
The resume: academic achievements, work experience, skills, and hobbies.
Friday, Jan. 24, 14h-18h: D622
The resume: the positioning statement and the S.O.A.R. method.
The resume: academic achievements, work experience, skills, and hobbies.
Thursday, Feb. 6, 09h-12h: D619
Fine-tuning the resume to fit a position.
Introducing the cover letter.
Homework (graded):
Prepare a 5 minute presentation (slide-show):
1- Present a job offer you are interested in: identify the skills required, the personality traits, etc. & analyze how you match the job description (skills, experience, and personality).
2- Present the structure of your application letter to answer the job offer selected.
3- Present the time-frame within which of your interaction with the job, from application being sent, to final interviewing process.
Thursday, Feb. 06, 14h-18h: D622
One-on-one write-up session: finalizing the job-search material.
Friday, Feb. 07, 08h-12h: D622
One-on-one write-up session: finalizing the job-search material.
Thursday, Feb. 13, 08h-12h: D622
Social Sensing & Analytics” – listening comprehension: bring your headphones and computers with a connection to the Internet.
Slide Design Principles" & Exercises
Friday, Mar. 14, 08h-12h: D622
Reading comprehension - to be announced (tba).
Thursday, Mar. 20, 08h-12h: D622
Using Mobile Technology & Sensors to Infer Human Behavior”: Listening comprehension, bring your headphones and computers with a connection to the Internet.
This is a graded assignment.
Thursday, Mar. 20, 14h-18h: D622
Job interview introduction & sessions: Each student will face a 5-minute “job interview”. This job interview will be based on the documents submitted on Feb. 6th.
Friday, Apr. 11, 08h-12h: D622
Speaking in public -5 minutes per student.
=>Present yourself, explain what you are going to do during the week-end, explain your hobbies, and present your where you stand relatively to the time-frame of the job you "applied" to in February.
! Each student will be engaged in an imaginary work-related dialog around the coffee machine.
Friday, April 18, 08h-12h: D622
Show-rooming and competing effects in shoe retailing”: Listening comprehension, bring your headphones and computers with a connection to the Internet.
Friday, April 18, 14h-18h: D622
Final exam – reading or listening comprehension, vocabulary & grammar
Thursday, May 15, 14h-18h: D622
Final group presentations.
Topic: to be announced.

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