Quantitative English for Data Science Managers – MASERATI
Quantitative English: its Goals
Quantitative English has two primary goals. First, to enable students to improve their ability to articulate a thought in writing and orally. Second, to help prepare students for their “Final Project” presentation and report.
The Methodology
Gaining the ability to articulate a thought is done through the study of documents. Those are texts as well as audio documents. Documents are taken from the international press and also from universities or international organizations.
A review of grammar points is also proposed for students in need of a refresher. Helping students prepare for the final “Comparative Study” will take different aspects. One will be to articulate the roadmap or table of content for their comparative study and to write the corresponding introduction. Another exercise will be to work on the ability to communicate the result of a project in public, using a PowerPoint presentation.
A last exercise is in-class participation, where students must articulate their answers to listening and reading comprehension exercises. Another goal of this class is to help students prepare and build their job search tools: the résumé and the cover letter.
The course aims for 2 outcomes
First, to help students fluidify their oral and written expression.
• Using podcasts, students will focus on grammar and vocabulary, as well as pronunciation and intonation.
Second, to help students prepare for their “Final Project” project, where a PowerPoint presentation and a 20+ page report are required.
Students must come to class ready to work on the exercises of the day. Those exercises will be available on the course website.
Students will need to create an account on the website. Do so, using the information on the student presence sheet.
On the website, students will be able to:
• Access the documents and the class calendar,
• Contact Anne-Pierre,
• Access grammar points and exercises for self-evaluation.
The website is our point of contact beyond the classroom.
Student must come to class with a computer, access to the Internet, and headphones.
Students will receive four grades for a total of 100% of 20. The breakdown of grading is as follows:
-30%: an individual Final Exam, meant to evaluate grammar and listening comprehension.
-40%: Final Project defense (PowerPoint – oral presentation – written report)
-10%: oral presentations. Student Teams will present a Slide Show. Each Slide Show is meant to answer the question of the day.
-10%: Online grammar exercises
(only exercises done outside of the classroom will be taken into account, students need to achieve a minimum grade of 15/20 for the quiz to be valid. Students need to complete at least 10 quizzes).
-10%: Online reading/listening comprehension quizzes
(exercises done outside of the classroom will be given a 100% weight, exercises done in the classroom will be given a 50% weight).

- February 20th, 2025:
Introduction to the course,
Grammar Quiz,
"Data Analytics & Sound Decisions" Quiz - February 21st, 2025:
Presentations based on "Data Analytics & Sound Decisions": make sure to apply Slide Design Principles to your presentations. Presentations last 10 minutes and are followed by a debate.
Topic of the presentation: "My Smartphone Is My Best Ally Professionally."
"Taxi Fleet Improvement" Quiz. - March 27th, 2025:
Apply "Slide Design Principles" to improve your presentations made on Feb. 21st => you will explain the changes, or no changes, made and why you made those changes.
"Using Mobile Technology & Sensors to Infer Human Behavior" Quiz.
Social Sensing And Analytics, Quiz - March 28th, 2025:
Presentations: using the instructions given in class on February 21st, do a presentation based on the topic "Social Sensing And Analytics".
Final Exam.

Anne-Pierre de Peyronnet