Instructional Design quiz & course sample

Be-in-Charge’s approach to Instructional Design is illustrated with this selection of exercises and courses.

The method is meant to first trigger curiosity about a topic and to introduce the corresponding concept. Then, using an example to be clear about the practical usage of the concept presented.

The method brings the student to focus and to do some research when faced with a quiz or exercise.

Describing past actions and situations

Grammar exercise, Instructional Design

This quiz evaluates the ability to apply verb tenses correctly.

Effective memos to make recommendations

Effective Memos, Instructional Design
This slide show unfolds in three steps: the theory, an example, and then a quiz.

Health Economics and its Impact

Listening comprehension, Instructional Design

This listening comprehension exercise comes with a vocabulary list the student can use while listening.

Using Mobile Technology & Sensors to Infer Human Behaviour

Fill in the blanks, Instructional Design

This Listening Comprehension quiz is built as a fill-in-the-blanks quiz.

Retail in the 21st Century

The British Retail Consortium, Instructional Design, Retail

This Listening Comprehension and fill-in-the-blanks quiz is based on a video.

Winning for Dollars

Reading comprehension, Instructional Design

This Reading Comprehension exercise is a classic.

Where is the Vaccine

Fill in the blanks, Instructional Design

This Listening Comprehension and fill-in-the-blanks quiz is built based on an American podcast.

Segmenting the French Computer Market

market segmentation, Instructional Design

In this course, the student gets to play around with the concept of Segmentation.

Integrating retail & logistics for successful omnichannel retailing

Fill in the blanks, Instructional Design

This quiz is built using a podcast from Singapore.

An agile mind adapts to any situation

Courses and exercises are mobile friendly, so that you can learn on the go!

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