Membership Level change

You have selected the 2023-24 Students membership level.

Academic year 2023 - 2024

The price for membership is €0.00 now.

Membership expires on December 31, 2024.

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


General Terms Of Use To The Online Platform

General terms of use and subscription to the Be-in-Charge online platform located at:

Purpose of the Be-in-Charge online platform:

  • It is a tool to provide self-paced teaching material to talents needing to reinforce their soft skills.
  • It also offers to host instructors wishing to propose their courses on the platform.
    Be-in-Charge transfers to its platform instructors, all requests regarding their training material.
  • It is dedicated to talents.
  • The public may access the platform.


  • Instructors wanting to promote their courses on the Be-in-Charge platform, may use the instructor enquiry form;
  • Available courses are published on a dedicated page here;
  • Each course has its own subsection on the platform.
    The instructor owning the course can manage students directly.
  • Students and Instructors accept de facto at the timing of the registration, the privacy policy of the platform.

Platform development:

  • Be-in-Charge is an on-going process. Features, functionalities and looks may vary.
  • Be-in-Charge respects the privacy of its students, however and for training purposes, data is collected about student progress and achievements. The data is shared with the instructor in charge of the course and feedback is provided to students in their “my account” dashboard.
  • Be-in-Charge respects the integrity of the courses published by instructors.


  • The development, maintenance and support for the platform has a cost.
  • Unless specified by an instructor, students will pay a recurring monthly subscription to access the courses.
  • Instructors can monetize the courses published on Be-in-Charge. As a result, a fee is asked for every subscription they obtain through the platform.
    • Details will be sent upon request.
  • The monthly amount corresponding to a subscription is paid month on the day the subscription was started.
  • Subscription renewal is automatic.
  • Each subscription period started is due.
  • Cancellation of the subscription is done through the account on the platform.

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