What are Relative Pronouns?

Les pronoms relatifs sont des mots qui connectent une phrase relative à une phrase principale ou indépendante. Ils permettent d’apporter des informations supplémentaires et contextuelles.

  • Exemple : The book that I read is on the table.
    • Le livre, que je lis, est sur la table.

Why Use Relative Pronouns?

Les pronoms relatifs sont utilisés pour clarifier, compléter ou spécifier les informations sur le sujet de la phrase principale. Ils permettent de créer des phrases plus nuancées et complètes.

Exemple : The girl who sings well is my sister.

L’exemple ci-dessus non seulement inclut les deux propositions suivantes :

  • The girl sings well.
  • The girl is my sister.

Mais en plus, apporte une information supplémentaire : il s’agit de la même personne.

Use WHO when referring to people.

Who replaces the subject (people) in the relative clause. For example:

  • “The scientist who discovered the vaccine was awarded a Nobel Prize.”

In the example, who refers to the scientist. Who introduces the relative clause who discovered the vaccine.

Use WHICH when referring to animals and things.

Also, use WHICH to introduce a relative clause when it refers to a whole clause or sentence.

  • “The experiment, which lasted five years, provided groundbreaking results.”

Which refers to the experiment and introduces the relative clause: which lasted five years.

Which also refers to a full sentence “The experiment provided groundbreaking results.”

Use THAT when referring to either people or things.

That is often used to introduce a defining relative clause (a clause that is essential to the meaning of the sentence). For example:

  • “I read about the experiment that provided groundbreaking results.”

That refers to the experiment.

“Provided groundbreaking results” defines the experiment.

In many cases, in informal speech or writing that is used to replace “who” or “which”.

Relative Pronouns quiz

Welcome to your Relative Pronouns quiz.
Complete each sentence using the appropriate Relative Pronouns.

Make sure to read the "hint" before answering the questions, when indicated.


1st- Amina RB:  100% OR 20 Points

2nd- Laura:  100% OR 20 Points

3rd- Alexandra_OURCH:  100% OR 20 Points

4th- Jerome:  100% OR 20 Points

5th- Roumaissa: 100% OR 20 Points

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