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The courses listed below are designed and built for higher education classes by Anne-Pierre de Peyronnet.

Anne-Pierre teaches these courses. The material presented is student-proof!

Among the membership levels, choose a Free Membership to explore the courses!

Communication for Managers is part of Business Communication.

How to lead with communication for managers

Managers change their habits and usually communicate in English. The course helps communicate more efficiently.

target market, efficient memo

Marketing Principles & IT Companies

Following changes in the industry, the course “Marketing Principles” builds on curated marketing concepts. Examples from the Internet and the real world illustrate those concepts.

Job search: résumé, curriculum-vitae, and cover-letter

How to build job search tools that stand out

Three dimensions structure Job Search Tools creation. Those dimensions never change:

  • Demonstrate what you can do,
  • Unveil who you are, and
  • Explicit how you and the company match.
Health Economics English logo

English for Health Economics Managers in a global industry

The course has two goals and they never change: to improve students' ability to articulate a thought in writing and orally. And, to prepare students for their "Comparative Study" presentation and report.

Retail English for Managers illustration: a classroom with students busy on various activities including store fitting.

English for Retail Managers in a globalized urban store

Today, change is constant because of globalization. Retail managers must be able to communicate in English. In addition, to climb the corporate ladder, those managers will need English as the language of business.


Revamp Staffing applied in a modern retail environment. The emphasis is on online order preparation

English for Marketing Managers

A rule that does not change is that English rules the field of marketing! The course builds on two goals: to improve students' ability to articulate a thought in writing and orally. And to prepare students for various business situations.

An agile mind adapts to any situation

Courses and exercises are mobile friendly, so that you can learn on the go!

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